
Information Technology (IT) governance can be adopted as the ability of government and private agencies to improve the performance of building strategic plans in order to improve services to their stakeholders. The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of e-government, the implementation of governance and the influence of e-government on the IT governance of Palembang. The data is collected in 19 regional working unit (OPD) at local government of Palembang. Using the IT governance approach, this research is a mixed method research where qualitative and quantitative methods are conducted in one study. The data collection process is conducted by observing e-government in 19 OPDs of Palembang, through interviews, questionnaires and documents related to the purpose of this research. The research method is combined to be done to get all the facts related to the development of e-government model for improving the quality of strategic plan of IT e-government in Palembang Government environment. The results of this study are expected to describe the capacity of governance in accordance with the four aspects according to ICT pura number 248 / PER / DJPPI / KOMINFO / 10/2011.

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