
The article analyzes social aspects of the Y generation life in the information technology system. There was chosen a methodological toolkit to examine the essence of the concepts “millennials”, “digitization” and “gaming”. They determine the distinctive features of millennials from previous and subsequent generations. It is concluded that the informatization of the society life leads to a change in the consciousness of a person, especially in the Y generation which was formed in the information-oriented society. Coverage of the indicated directions of the article is performed by analyzing the components of the research problem, in particular the generation of information technologies, digitization of the life of youth, gaming as a method of motivation and involvement in the social processes of society. It is determined that the representatives of the new generation are characterized by increased attention to the social problems. It is ascertained that digitization is a specific approach to the use of digital resources for improving the quality of life and personal characteristics of the Y generation in the process of self-realization. Gaming is a motivational element of social contacts of the generation of millennials in the field of health, sports, education, culture, and professional activity.

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