
The materials of the article consider the possibilities of determining and applying the components of information and computing technologies for various specialties of student education. The work presents examples of the formation of complex knowledge about the principles of construction and operation of the software for determining the possibilities of effective use of modern information and communication technologies in the professional activity of a technologist according to the types of specialization of students starting from the first year of study. When writing the article, many years of experience in teaching the disciplines «General Food Industry Technology» and «Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Technology Objects» at the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» at the Department of Integrated Technologies, Processes and Devices were used. This experience and good knowledge of the subject determined the high quality of the material for teaching the discipline, and the issues under consideration are overlooked through the prism of one's own creative perception, which makes the material particularly valuable. Developments were carried out using modern, highly effective scientifically based technologies for the use of raw materials, examples and some features of possible learning solutions are presented, which are based on experimental data for the development of process mechanisms and their scientific justification in the form of information technology objects; detailed and analyzed: components of information systems by types of activity;

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