
Creation of complex technical objects (CTO, such as science-intensive engineering objects, which are characterized by the number of elements and connections equal to 106 and more) – a process containing long subprocesses, complex objects, models, and based on available standards and information technology (IT). It is known from practice that CTO models are created with the help of information systems - components of CALS and PLM-solutions. This process have the following shortcomings: models at different stages of creation of CTO are not completely interconnected; CTO modeling takes place using different components of IT CALS and PLM-solutions, which creates constant difficulties in data conversion and leads to partial or complete loss of model data; there is no automated communication with other CTO models.
 A generalized model of complex technical objects is proposed, which based on using the theoretical-multiple approach allows to establish an information connection between the models of the process of creating complex technical objects. The information system of creation of the generalized model of difficult technical objects that allowed automating process of processing and construction of models is developed; to supplement the technology of parallel PLM design and components of information technologies CALS and PLM-solutions for the task of creating models of complex technical objects.

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