
Purpose. Improving the efficiency of agro-industrial production through the use of remote sensing data from the field surface. Methods. Analysis of the possibilities of targeted use of methods and technical means of remote sensing of objects of agro-industrial production. Synthesis of the use of remote sensing information with agronomic interpretation system in accordance with DSTU 3956-2000 Technical means of measurement and control in industrial processes. Part 1. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions. Results. Scientific principles of integrated use of remote sensing of the field surface and their agronomic interpretation in order to increase the efficiency of crop production. Conclusions. Remote sensing technologies provide a wide range of opportunities for agro-industrial production: identification and accounting of crop areas; crop yield forecast; assessment of the condition of agricultural crops; identification of areas requiring fertilization and agrochemicals, etc. An important element of the effective use of remote monitoring is the agronomic interpretation of its results. The effectiveness of agronomic interpretation of the results of remote monitoring of the state of fields can be significantly increased through the use of additional technical intelligence, including in determining the rational start date of grain harvest. Today, the share of agricultural efficiency growth in the world after the introduction of satellite technologies is more than 5 %. Keywords: remote sensing, orthophotomap of the field, agronomic interpretation, additional technical intelligence.

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