
Strategic interaction parameters characterize the impact of actions of one economic agent on the payo of another economic agent. In this paper we study how the information available to economic agents regarding other economic agents can inuence the ability of an econometrician to recover strategic information parameters from the observed actions. We consider two extreme cases: the complete information case where the information sets of participating economic agents coincide, and the incomplete information case where each agent has a privately observable type. We nd that in models with incomplete information the statistical (Fisher) information for the interaction parameters is zero, implying that estimation and inference become nonstandard. In contrast, in the incomplete information models with any non-zero variance of player types, the statistical information is positive, implying the existence of regular estimators for these parameters converging at the parametric rate. This nding is illustrated in two cases: treatment eect models (expressed as a triangular system of equations), and the static game models. In both types of models the observed discrete outcomes are driven by continuously distributed errors with an unknown distribution (unobserved heterogeneity). We nd that the key factor driving the result in these models is

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