
Among the millions of words uttered and written on the subject of democracy,Winston Churchill’s are among the most famous:“Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms thathave been tried from time to time.” [4] The occasion of the remark – it was madeon 11 November 1947, when the great wartime leader spoke for the oppositionin Britain’s House of Commons – is a reminder of how far the world has sincetravelled. Yet the passing of six decades notwithstanding, mankind is stillsubservient to the classical dogma embodied in Churchill’s phrase: that democracyis synonymous with universal suffrage.It was always open to question. But today, new and evolving technologiesenable us to discard it – not to abolish democracy (who would want to do that?),but to enrich democracy with more effective, more innovative and more moralforms of enlightened government across the world.

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