
The development of information technologies and the transition to a digital economy have transformed the traditional business process models of organizations. New technological opportunities and changes in the way products are purchased and delivered over the past few years have led to an intense growth in e-commerce. Indicators of the dynamics of this area of development of the information society are included in the digital transformation strategy of the Russian Federation. The article discusses the trends in e-commerce and analyzes the factors influencing this sector of the economy. A database of federal statistical observations on the issues of monitoring the development of the information society in the Russian Federation was used. The interdependencies of development indicators that characterize e-commerce are analyzed in detail with indicators for such sections and subsections as «1.4. Economic environment», «2.6. Use of ICT in households and by the population» and «Use of computers and computer networks by organizations». In the course of the study, it was revealed that some of the development indicators of the IO RF, characterizing areas related to the characteristics of e-business, have stable interdependencies with the indicated indicators. This applies to the indicators chosen for the study «The share of the population that used the Internet to order goods and (or) services in the total population» and «The share of organizations that received orders for manufactured goods (works, services) via the Internet, in the total number of surveyed organizations». The tightness of the correlation is noted from noticeable to very high. There is a positive trend in the increase in the share of e-commerce. The indicator «The share of organizations that placed orders for goods (works, services) on the Internet in the total number of surveyed organizations» shows a weaker interdependence, and in some cases — a weak correlation or its absence. This is due to its weak changes in the studied time range.

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