
This article through simulation provides the functioning mathematical model of information security system (ISS) from unauthorized access (UAA) in automated systems (AS). The model is developed in CPN Tools software environment for its analysis, getting probabilistic-temporal characteristics and its further comparison with the analytical model. The systematic analysis of functional components in ISS from UAA highlighted its key subsystems. Integrated CPN Tools breaks the model into subsystems by preserving ISS functioning logics from UAA, and observes the taking processes. This model performs the computation experiment, namely, researches ISS real consumer properties from UAA in AS, which in following researches provides the analysis software complex development and qualitative assessment of the similar systems functioning. Simulation results of ISS functioning process from UAA in AS can be various characteristics of each state, describing the system work both generally and for its subsystems. The programming Metalanguage, used in CPN Tools adjusts the simulation model and controls the marker random transition from the initial state to final through intermediate, determines transition properties, enters different marker types, sets time delays, etc. The article substantiates the required transitions by ISS simulation model from UAA in AS to get reliable characteristics as the further research direction.

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