
The advancement of information technology has changed the education landscape. The process of teaching is no longer the same. Information technology has made e-learning possible and available on a large scale. The main component of an e-learning is a learning management system (LMS). LMS has been widely used and are accessible through the Internet. By connected and accessed to the Internet, LMS are exposed to various threats. Proper understanding of these threats combined with strategy and best practices countermeasures will ensure a safe learning environment. Therefore this study will look into the information security aspect of LMS. There are two main purpose of this study. First, this study provides a review of information security in e-learning environments and explains the important of information security. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are considered to be the primary pillars of information security. In addition to these pillars, the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium introduced a common body of knowledge (CBK) comprised of ten domains relating to specific information security topics. These domains are the foundation of security practices for those involved in information security. In this article, each of these is explained within an e-learning context. It is recommended that institutions employing e-learning adhere to these domains. By applying the principles and practices associated with each domain, e-learning institutions should be able to provide an e-learning system with high confidentiality, integrity and availability. The second purpose of this study is to understand student perception of an information security perspective of an e-learning management system. To achieve this purpose, a survey was conducted targeted at undergraduate students in a distance learning program. 497 students responded to a survey questionnaires. Apart from demographics information, the survey asked the respondent to rate six statements related to how they perceived security of the learning management system which they are currently using. All six statements are rated using a five point Likert scale anchored at 1 (Not at all) to 5 (Very much). Frequencies analysis was conducted to show the profile of the respondent. Overall, respondent has strong positive perceptions towards security of their LMS. This study provides an overall picture of information security elements of a learning management system. It can serve as an introduction which help LMS administrator to understand the issues and possibilities related to the safety of LMS.

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