
The article is devoted to the study of information security as a component of the national security of Ukraine. The rapid development of digitalization in Ukraine, which we have observed in recent years, has provoked the creation of the newest information society and, as a result, the emergence of such phenomena as "cyber threats" and "cyber attacks" in banking, military, critical infrastructure, etc. In this regard, the state quite justifiably refers to information security as an independent element of national security. Information security acquired a new sound due to the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. The aggressor state carries out brutal insidious military actions not only on the territory of our state, but also in the information space. Special information operations of the Russian Federation are aimed at key democratic institutions (in particular, electoral ones), and special services of the aggressor state are trying to intensify internal contradictions in Ukraine and other democratic states. The technologies of the hybrid war against Ukraine, including the models and mechanisms of information intervention, applied by the Russian Federation are spreading to other states, quickly adapting to local contexts and regulatory policies. The need to guarantee information security is determined, firstly, by the need to ensure the national security of Ukraine as a whole, secondly, by the existence of such threats to the information sphere of the country that can cause significant damage to general national interests, and thirdly, by taking into account the fact that with the help of information it is possible influence a change in people's consciousness and behavior. The task of information security is the creation of a system for countering information threats and the protection of one's own information space, information infrastructure, and information resources of the state. State policy on ensuring information security is an important component of national security. It should be based on the systematic preventive activity of state administration bodies regarding the provision of information security guarantees to individuals, social groups, society and the state as a whole. The study of information security as an object of crimes against the foundations of the national security of Ukraine in the conditions of war is important and extremely relevant.

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