
Recently, impressive progress has been made in the study of non-Hermitian systems with parity-time symmetry, such as observations of topological properties of physical systems and criticality at exceptional points. A crucial aspect of parity-time symmetric nonunitary dynamics is the information flow between the system and the environment. In this paper, we use the physical quantity, distinguishability between quantum states, to uniformly quantify the information flow between low-dimensional and high-dimensional parity-time symmetric non-Hermitian systems and environments. The numerical results show that the oscillation of quantum state distinguishability and complete information retrieval and can be obtained in the parity-time-unbroken phase. However, the information decays exponentially in the parity-time-broken phase. The exceptional point marks the criticality between reversibility and irreversibility of information flow, and the distinguishability between quantum states exhibits the behavior of power-law decay. Understanding these unique phenomena in nonunitary quantum dynamics provides an important perspective for the study of open quantum systems and contributes to their application in quantum information.

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