
The relocation of Armenians by Shah Abbas I in 1604 formed a large Christian group in Iran. During XVII – XXI centuries the Armenian diaspora of Iran was influenced by the political course of the central government of Iran. Over the entire period of life in Iran, the Armenian community had a need to preserve its national identity. The victory of the Islamic Revolution of 1978-1979 forced the representatives of the Armenian Diaspora and the Islamic government to search for compromises. In consequence, the community retained its autonomy. The Armenian population of Iran has a high degree of internal organization and interaction with the historical Homeland, which contributes to ChristianMuslim cooperation in culture and economy. This study examines the social, cultural and political activities of the Armenian Diaspora in Iran, using the community’s web resources as a means of studying, this form of work was not chosen by chance. The Internet currently provides access to a wide database of information that contributes to increasing research potential. In connection with this factor, an important task is to develop the most effective methods and forms of using web technologies. Based on this, the author of the article first focused on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Internet resources in general. Then, the work was carried out to identify the policy of the Iranian government regarding the Internet. The solution of these tasks made it possible to study web pages containing information directly related to the Armenian Diaspora of Iran. Thus, deductively it was possible to create a holistic picture of the development of the Armenian community of Iran, to identify relevant data on the forms of activity and tasks of the Diaspora, to assess the role of media technologies in the implementation of community communication.

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