
Within the ETNA project --- a European Thematic Network aimed at implementing a EU-wide Portal devoted to ICT-based assistive technologies and e-accessibility solution --- a study was carried out to detect the information needs of the various stakeholders involved, such as end-users of assistive technologies, professionals in health, social services and education, manufacturers and developers, policy makers and academic/researchers. Thirty search profiles were identified, each related to a specific reason why information may be sought in response to a specific information need that people may encounter at given times. In turn, each profile involves a specific body of information. This study provides a detailed insight in the audience's expectations, that is guiding the design of the future Portal. The Portal will stem by the existing Portal of the European Assistive Technology Information Network (EASTIN), enriched by the contributions brought by the ETNA project and its sister ATIS4All Thematic Network.

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