
The study investigated information needs and seeking behaviour of medical students of PAMO University of medical sciences Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Five objectives and five research questions guided the study. The researcher adopted a descriptive survey design for the study, with a population of 371 comprising hundred and three hundred level students, from which a census sampling technique was used to sample the entire population. Questionnaire titled “Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour of Medical Students” (INSBMS) was used to gather the data. Out of 371 copies of questionnaire administered, only 365 copies were found valid for the analysis. The study was analysed using multiple statistical tools, frequency distribution of the simple percentage and mean scores. The findings of the study revealed that the information needs of medical students of PAMO University include academic information, like courses they are to study, assignment, examination timetable, what book to use for the course, departmental programs, personal health information, medical news and laboratory practicals. They consult different sources when seeking information among which are medical textbooks, lecturers, classmates, they consult the library, school notice board, internet, ebooks and databases; the students use the library often and expressed satisfaction with library services. Based on the challenges encountered by the students, the following recommendations are therefore postulated that a course on information need and seeking behaviour be introduced in all institutions of higher learning, this course will reduce the frustration medical students undergo when in need of information. PAMO University library should train students on how to construct effective searches to enhance their use of electronic information resources in the library.

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