
The main question is the probability of information loss in binding site of DNA due to interaction between DNA bead charges? Information loss in the gene expression disrupts the cellular dynamics and can lead to serious defects, including cancer. Using quantum biology ,a mechanism for calculating the amount of information loss in transcribing ge-netic sequence from DNA to protein is proposed. In this proposal, there are three different Hilbert spaces that belong to degrees of freedom of protein, binding site, and unbinding site of DNA. At first stage it is shown that the internal stationary state of the cell can be represented by a maximally entangled two-mode squeezed state of DNA and protein. At second stage,the state of the DNA is described by a maximally entangled two-mode squeezed state of DNA binding site and DNA unbinding site. Finally it is shown that the entanglement between protein and DNA is degraded due to interaction between DNA binding site and DNA unbinding site and consequently information is lost.

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