
For the students and scholars belonging to any trade and level, exercising of information and its sources becomes inevitable. The university education in focus, identifying exact information, selecting the right source and authorized use of the same is being practised very often. This the authors call ‘Information Literacy Skill'. Considering the MLISc students, the future LIS professionals in making, this would certainly be an indication of respite that they are learning IL theories and practice during their second year course. An evaluative study on the targeted MLISC students can provide a substantial solution to this. The present study focuses on the LIS schools of state of Odisha (India) and tries to find out answers to various questions: Are the students of MLISc in LIS schools of Odisha possess adequate IL skills? Are the modules included under master degree syllabi enough for them and their skill requirements as information providers? Can IL be taught at the classroom level? Or is a meticulous practical exposure obligatory?

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