
Organisms emit, detect, and respond to a huge array of environmental signals. The distribution of a given signal is dependent, first of all, upon the original spatial distribution of signal sources, thesource landscape.The signal sources can be fixed or moving and their output can be stable or ephemeral. Different sources can also occupy the same general spatial location, such as insects living on a host plant. The emitted signals are modified by relevant transport processes, which are often strongly scale and environment dependent. Chemical signals, for example, are propagated by diffusion and turbulence. The resulting complex, three-dimensional, and dynamic distribution of signals in the environment is thesignal landscape;it is the environment of potentially available information in which sensory systems function and have evolved. Organisms also differ widely in what signals they can actually detect; the distribution of signals that an organism can potentially respond to is itsinformation landscape.Although increasing the kinds and specificity of signals that can be detected and processed can lead to improved decision making, it almost always comes at an increased cost. The greater the spatial and temporal complexity of the environment, the greater are the costs of incomplete information and the more advantageous is the development of improved information-gathering capabilities. Studies with simulation models suggest how variability in the spatial structure of source and signal landscapes may control patterns of animal movement that could be represented in the trace fossil record. Information landscapes and the corresponding sensory systems should have evolved in concert with major transitions in the history of life. The Ediacaran to Cambrian interval is one of the most intensively studied periods in the history of life, characterized by the profound environmental and biological changes associated with the bilaterian radiation. These include the advent of macroscopic predation, an increase in the size and energy content of organisms, and the transition in seafloors from laminated matgrounds to mixgrounds produced by the development of macroscopic infaunal bioturbation. The overall effect of these transitions was to markedly increase the spatial complexity of the marine environment. We suggest that this increased spatial complexity, in turn, drove the evolution of macroscopic sense organs in mobile bilaterians, leading to their first appearance during the Cambrian. The morphology and distribution of these sense organs should reflect the life habits of the animals that possessed them. Our overall hypothesis was that there was a “Cambrian Information Revolution,” a coevolutionary increase in the information content of the marine environment and in the ability of and necessity for organisms to obtain and process this information. A preliminary analysis of the Maotianshan Shale (Chengjiang) biota indicates that the distribution of eyes and antennae in these animals is consistent with predictions based on their life habit.

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