
Complete information for authors and editorial policies are available in the June issue, at our Web site www.jvascsurgcases.org, or at our Editorial Manager Web site at jvs.editorialmanager.com. An abbreviated checklist for manuscript submission follows. Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be submitted to the Journal electronically using the Editorial Manager submission system located at jvs.editorialmanager.com. Detailed instructions on submitting a manuscript are available on that Web site.Manuscript Submission Summary InformationCorresponding Author Responsibilities•Ensure that all authors have approved the final manuscript files•Ensure that all authors have viewed and approved the required forms•Upload the completed submission files at www.editorialmanager.com/jvs•Communicate with the Editorial Office and the Publisher regarding the review and publication processesRequired Forms•Application for Publication•Reviewer Response Form (Revisions)Text Formatting•Adhere to the AMA Manual of Style•Each page must be left aligned with 1-inch margins, and numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner.•Text must be double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font•Follow the limits provided in the table belowAbstract and Title Page•The Abstract and Title Page must be uploaded at the beginning of your manuscript file•The Title Page file must include the names and affiliations of each author, and the contact information for the Corresponding AuthorPatients and Animal Subjects•Consent to publish must be obtained from patients described in Case Report and Venous Image submissionsReferences•Cite in numerical order•List first 6 authors et alFigures•Each figure must be uploaded in a separate electronic file, as a TIFF, JPEG, or EPS file when possible. Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files will also be submitted.•Operative and pathology photographs should be in color. Other figures and charts should be black and white unless sufficiently complex to require color. Images must be provided with either a 3-inch width (for 1-column format) or 6.5-inch width (for 2-column format).•Detailed artwork instructions and help with formatting, sizing, scanning, and file naming can be found at https://www.elsevier.com/authors/author-schemas/artwork-and-media-instructionsLegends for Figures and Tables•Upload in a separate, double-spaced Microsoft Word DocumentPermissions•Obtain permission to reproduce previously published material, or material that is not your original work, from the copyright holder.•Provide proper attribution for all previously published material and material that is not your original work, in figure legends, manuscript text and where applicable.•Provide signed releases to publish patient photographs if your manuscript includes data which might reveal the identity of one of more patients.Tabled 1Submission LimitsMax AuthorsAbstract Max WordsBody Max WordsFiguresTablesReferences- 6 (not 3) authors et alCase Report610012003020Vascular Images4NA350403Letter to Editor6NA500116 Open table in a new tab Corresponding Author Responsibilities•Ensure that all authors have approved the final manuscript files•Ensure that all authors have viewed and approved the required forms•Upload the completed submission files at www.editorialmanager.com/jvs•Communicate with the Editorial Office and the Publisher regarding the review and publication processes Required Forms•Application for Publication•Reviewer Response Form (Revisions) Text Formatting•Adhere to the AMA Manual of Style•Each page must be left aligned with 1-inch margins, and numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner.•Text must be double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font•Follow the limits provided in the table below Abstract and Title Page•The Abstract and Title Page must be uploaded at the beginning of your manuscript file•The Title Page file must include the names and affiliations of each author, and the contact information for the Corresponding Author Patients and Animal Subjects•Consent to publish must be obtained from patients described in Case Report and Venous Image submissions References•Cite in numerical order•List first 6 authors et al Figures•Each figure must be uploaded in a separate electronic file, as a TIFF, JPEG, or EPS file when possible. Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files will also be submitted.•Operative and pathology photographs should be in color. Other figures and charts should be black and white unless sufficiently complex to require color. Images must be provided with either a 3-inch width (for 1-column format) or 6.5-inch width (for 2-column format).•Detailed artwork instructions and help with formatting, sizing, scanning, and file naming can be found at https://www.elsevier.com/authors/author-schemas/artwork-and-media-instructions Legends for Figures and Tables•Upload in a separate, double-spaced Microsoft Word Document Permissions•Obtain permission to reproduce previously published material, or material that is not your original work, from the copyright holder.•Provide proper attribution for all previously published material and material that is not your original work, in figure legends, manuscript text and where applicable.•Provide signed releases to publish patient photographs if your manuscript includes data which might reveal the identity of one of more patients.

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