
Homeostatic intercellular communication is effected by an information field. Previously, such a field has been considered in relation to quantum and subquantum mechanics whereby physical aspects of the universe may be controlled by intuition. Correspondingly, recent research in fundamental physics reveals much deeper principles of the organization of matter than quantum mechanics prescribes. The study of real physical space discloses an inner structure of this eternal substrate that shares both discrete and continuum properties. Physical space is constituted as a fractal mathematical lattice of primary topological balls, named the tessellattice, from which particles emerge as fractally deformed cells. When such a particle is moving, it interacts with surrounding cells of the tessellattice, which results in the creation of a number of spatial excitations around the particle named inertons. In quantum mechanical formalism, a particle and its surrounding inerton cloud are expressed as the wave -function. Thus, inertons represent a substructure of the matter waves; they are carriers of mass and fractal properties of matter, and play the role of an information field in both physics and biology. Experimental manifestations of inertons in condensed media and biological systems are demonstrated. Certain challenges are listed.

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