
The global population is aging. As people age, they typically experience gradual changes in hearing, vision, coordination, balance, working memory, and cognitive function. Products, communication materials, and information provision are often accommodated for older adults. In this study, we examined various information delivery methods and their association with older adults’ working memory and cognitive function (N=18; 10 women). Participants completed tests or followed instructions that consisted of either only figures, only words, or a combination of both figures and words. First, concerning working memory, six well-known information symbols were shown to participants in one of three patterns. Each pattern was displayed on a screen for 20 sec, and working memory was measured as the number of correct items participants recalled. Cognitive function was assessed by participants’ ability to construct three different objects (giraffe, flower, and tulip) using blocks. Participants were presented with various forms of instruction concerning how to build the objects-pictures only, words only, or both pictures and words. Results revealed that the total number of items recalled were 4.3 ± 1.4, 3.1 ± 1.1, and 3.9 ± 0.8 for figures only, words only, and both figures and words, respectively (χ2=10.13, p=0.006). Higher working memory scores were associated with “figure only” and “figures and words” as compared with the “words only” method. Regarding comprehension, higher scores were associated with “figures and words” instructions as compared to the “figures only” and “words only” instructions. In conclusion, information provision for older adults should be simple and easy, visuals should be employed, and supplemental information should be explained in words to avoid any misunderstandings.

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