
We consider the role information energy can play as a source of dark energy. Firstly, we note that if stars and structure had not formed in the universe, elemental bits of information describing the attributes of particles would have exhibited properties similar to the cosmological constant. The Landauer equivalent energy of such elemental bits would be defined in form and value identical to the characteristic energy of the cosmological constant. However, with the formation of stars and structure, stellar heated gas and dust now provide the dominant contribution to information energy with the characteristics of a dynamic, transitional, dark energy. At low redshift, z < ~1.35, this dark energy emulates the cosmological constant with a near-constant energy density, w = −1.03 ± 0.05, and an energy total similar to the mc2 of the universe’s ∼1053 kg of baryons. At earlier times, z > ~1.35, information energy was phantom, differing from the cosmological constant, Λ, with a CPL parameter difference of ∆wo = −0.03 ± 0.05 and ∆wa = −0.79 ± 0.08, values sufficient to account for the H0 tension. Information dark energy agrees with most phenomena as well as Λ, while exhibiting characteristics that resolve many tensions and problems of ΛCDM: the cosmological constant problem; the cosmological coincidence problem; the H0 tension, and the σ8 tension. As this proposed dark energy source is not usually considered, we identify the expected signature in H(a) that will enable the role of information dark energy to be falsified by experimental observation.


  • Information dark energy agrees with most phenomena as well as Λ, while exhibiting characteristics that resolve many tensions and problems of ΛCDM: the cosmological constant problem; the cosmological coincidence problem; the H0 tension, and the σ8 tension

  • There is a clear prediction of a measurable reduction in H(a) relative to the cosmological constant over a specific limited redshift range, and constitutes a means by which information dark energy can be falsified experimentally

  • Strong additional support for an information dark energy is provided by its ability to resolve significant problems or tensions that otherwise remain unexplained and incompatible with the standard ΛCDM model: 6.1

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Independent CMB measurements by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope [2] support Planck with a H0 value of 67.9 ± 1.5 km s−1 Mpc−1 These values are consistent with those derived from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations [3]. The size of edge-on galaxy discs have been determined by the geometry of water maser action occurring in those discs [8], yielding 73.9 ± 3 km s−1 Mpc−1 , a value greater than the early universe value with a 95–99% level of confidence Another technique using measurements of infrared surface brightness fluctuation distances in galaxies [9] provides a value of 73.3 ± 2.4 km s−1 Mpc−1 , again consistent with other late universe values.

Information Energy as Dark Energy
Dynamic Information Energy
While with volume’s bounding area the temperature
Information Dark Energy Is Falsifiable by Experiment
Cosmological Constant Problem
Cosmological Coincidence Problem
Cosmic Isotropy
Information Dark Energy Compared to Λ and Quintessence
Can Information Energy Also Emulate Dark Matter Effects?
A Different Future?
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