
The importance of researching the information component of innovative capital support is due to the formation of the knowledge economy and the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic agrarian enterprises. Innovative renewal of the capital of agrarian enterprises is a key to improving the efficiency of their work: increasing production and sales, reducing production costs, and increasing productivity. At the same time, the problem of the influence of the information component of innovation on capital remains open, which is a reserve for increasing the efficiency of its use and allows us to develop approaches to ensure the profitability growth of agrarian enterprises. Separate aspects of the use of innovations in the agrarian sector of the economy were considered by J. Sayer, K. G. Cassman, H. van Es, J. Woodard, G. Ye. Pavlova, and others. The aim of this article is to research interconnections that arise between the information component of innovation and types of the capital of an enterprise, taking into account agrarian specificity. Methodology. During the research and writing of the article, methods were used: monographic, abstract-logical, mathematical statistics, observation. Results. Any innovation is dual in nature, including the material foundation and the information component. Innovation on the impact on economic processes of enterprises appropriately divided into production (technical, technological, chemical, biological, and managerial) and sales (product and marketing). According to the results of the research, the scheme of the influence of types of innovation on the types of the capital of agrarian enterprises was developed. Empirical studies have shown that the information component of production innovation is methodical and instructional documentation, warranty contract obligations, production licenses, patents, plant and animal breed rights, databases and electronic services of an innovator with their offers, automated information management systems of the enterprise, staff training programs. The information component of sales innovation are the certificates of products quality, brands and trademarks, the standards of the quality of products of the importing countries, characteristics of target market segments, automated customer databases, licensing agreements for the sale of product, data on monitoring of the sectoral markets, pre-contracted deliveries of products, tools e-commerce, etc. Conclusions. The information component of various types of innovation that are inherent in agrarian production is considered. Relationships between types of capital and innovation are explored. The specificity of the use of the information component of innovation in the sectoral section is analysed on the example of grain production and pig farming. The scheme of complex innovative support of enterprise capital is offered. The information component of innovation is detailed. It is recommended to use the information component in full, taking into account the sector specificity of agrarian enterprises.

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