
Companies operating on the OTC markets are a special collection of enterprises. In many countries of the European Union, different OTC markets operate, which differ among themselves in terms of number of listed companies, industry specificity of listed companies, level of capitalization of shares, etc. It is worth noting, however, that among the OTC markets operating in the so-called “new” EU countries the Polish NewConnect market stands out, which ranks higher in different rankings than many OTC markets in the so-called “old” EU countries. Taking into account the specificity of companies listed on the Polish market, empirical research was conducted on the use of ICTs by these companies. The developed case study of the Polish OTC market indicates that companies are quite used to ICTs, although the level of ICTs investments is not at the highest level. Enterprises expect measurable business benefits from the implementation of ICTs, but they understand that implementation processes are accompanied by a number of threats. The case study pointed out that the implementation of ICTs in enterprises provides the foundation for their functioning in a global economy in network structures, increasing their relationship with stakeholders and allowing access to resources.

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