
We have adapted the yeast 2-hybrid assay to simultaneously uncover dozens of transient and static protein interactions within a single screen utilizing high-throughput short-read DNA sequencing. The resulting sequence datasets can not only track what genes in a population that are enriched during selection for positive yeast 2-hybrid interactions, but also give detailed information about the relevant subdomains of proteins sufficient for interaction. Here, we describe a full suite of stand-alone software programs that allow non-experts to perform all the bioinformatics and statistical steps to process and analyze DNA sequence fastq files from a batch yeast 2-hybrid assay. The processing steps covered by these software include: 1) mapping and counting sequence reads corresponding to each candidate protein encoded within a yeast 2-hybrid prey library; 2) a statistical analysis program that evaluates the enrichment profiles; and 3) tools to examine the translational frame and position within the coding region of each enriched plasmid that encodes the interacting proteins of interest.

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