
Topicality. In the current environment, the development of info-communications as part of the innovation infrastructure of the national economy is the key to successful operation not only of any enterprise but also the state as a whole. It is obvious that info-communication technologies make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of solving various marketing, financial or digital tasks. The development of info-communication technologies and their mass introduction is a necessary condition for the development of a modern dynamic society. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the study is to consider and analyze marketing, financial and digital technologies that affect the development of info-communications in the system of innovation infrastructure. Research results. The development of info-communications in the country and the introduction of new technologies in all spheres of public life, the activities of executive bodies and local governments, business, households are considered as priority areas of public policy. The market of info-communications is in a state of active formation and should become the basis for participants in building an information society in Ukraine. It is important to solve the problem of providing participants and its subjects with complete and reliable information on all areas of activity to support management decision-making processes, promote statehood, increase productivity of social production of products and services based on large-scale use of information technology, growth of economic potential socio-economic and environmental conditions of human life. Of particular importance are marketing information flows, which depend on the system functioning of the enterprise and information interaction with suppliers and customers. The main components of info-communications in the system of innovation infrastructure at the national level are considered in the article. The necessity of development of info-communications in the system of innovation infrastructure is substantiated. The financial, marketing and digital components of info-communication, which will ensure the development of the national economy, are analyzed. The strategy of info-communication development in accordance with the principles of digital technology reform is considered. Conclusion. These strategic objectives of creating a modern innovation system, which will include technology and science parks, venture funds, technology transfer networks, etc., require the introduction of public-private (public-private) partnerships in the innovation sphere and should be aimed at legislative establishment of incentives for new industries , as well as companies in the field of info-communications.


  • У статті розглянуті основні складові інфокомунікацій в системі інноваційної інфраструктури на національному рівні

  • The development of info-communications as part of the innovation infrastructure of the national economy is the key to successful operation of any enterprise and the state as a whole

  • It is obvious that info-communication technologies make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of solving various marketing, financial or digital tasks

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The development of info-communications as part of the innovation infrastructure of the national economy is the key to successful operation of any enterprise and the state as a whole. It is obvious that info-communication technologies make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of solving various marketing, financial or digital tasks. The purpose of the study is to consider and analyze marketing, financial and digital technologies that affect the development of info-communications in the system of innovation infrastructure. The main components of info-communications in the system of innovation infrastructure at the national level are considered in the article. The financial, marketing and digital components of info-communication, which will ensure the development of the national economy, are analyzed. The strategy of info-communication development in accordance with the principles of digital technology reform is considered

State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting
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