
Digitalization is global modern challenge leading to digital transformations changing of all society institutes and structures including education. This article presents rationale for the necessity of info-cognitive technologies introduction in native language-related education on the methodological bases of cognitive and cross-cultural approaches. Realization experience of cognizer idea which is an info-cognitive technology of language-culture native speaker mind verbal modeling is represented. Informational system includes the researcher’s web interface, a responder and data bases having total information. An associative inquest for created system testing was carried out; the research was done in the Buryat Republic (Russia). Buryats are Mongolian language ethnic group remained traditional life, values-based attitude to family/nation, nature-made objects. The state of the Buryat language is rated as critical; it was added to the list of endangered world languages by UNESCO. Students aged 17-20 years old took part in this research. There were about 105 stimulus words. They found out specific linguistic consciousness and values-based orientations of native speakers, preservation of respondent’s national language code/mentality which shows the necessity of their consideration in the process of native language studying.

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