
BORGES, A. C. Influence of feeding strategy on the performance of anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass. Sao Carlos, 2003. 184p. Dissertacao (Mestrado), Escola de Engenharia de Sao Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo. An anaerobic sequencing batch reactor was operated at different fill times with the objective to asses system performance. The reactor, made of plexiglas and with a capacity of 6.3 L, treated per cycle 2.5 L of synthetic wastewater with a concentration of nearly 500 mgCOD/L. The system was operated at a temperature of 30±1 C, with 8-h cycles (tC) and mechanical agitation rate of 500 rpm. Cubic particles of polyurethane foam were used as support material for anaerobic biomass immobilization. At the start of each cycle, the reactor was fed with 60 % of the wastewater volume, the remainder was filled at different feeding times (tF) that characterized the different feeding strategies. The results obtained showed that for a ratio of tF/tC ≤ 0.5 the system attained average filtered and non-filtered substrate removal efficiency of 75 % and 70 %, respectively. Ratios of tF/tC > 0.5, resulted in loss in efficiency and formation of extra cellular polymers, in spite of system stability. The study contributed to a better understanding of the system and definition of operational techniques for future applications.

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