
It is unclear which factors contribute to the developing pressure pain hypersensitivity of the upper trapezius, a type of neurophysiological hyperexcitability. The present study investigated the relationship between physical and psychological factors and pressure pain hypersensitivity of the upper trapezius for each sex. In total, 154 individuals with neck/shoulder myofascial pain participated, among 372 food service workers. Participants completed a questionnaire (Beck Depression Inventory, and Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion scale) and were photographed to measure posture. Pressure pain sensitivity, 2 range of motions (cervical lateral bending and rotation), and 4 muscle strengths (serratus anterior, lower trapezius [LT], biceps, and glenohumeral external rotator) were measured by a pressure algometer, iPhone application, and handheld dynamometer, respectively. For each sex, forward multivariate logistic regression was used to test our a priori hypothesis among selected variables that a combination of psychosocial and physical factors contributed to the risk for pressure pain hypersensitivity. In multivariate analyses, LT strength (odds ratio = 0.94, 95% confidence interval = 0.91–0.97, P = .001) was the only significant influencing factor for pressure pain hypersensitivity in men. Dominant painful ipsilateral cervical rotation range of motion (odds ratio = 0.96, 95% confidence interval = 0.92–0.99, P = .037) was the only influencing factor for pressure pain hypersensitivity in women. LT strength and dominant painful ipsilateral cervical rotation range of motion could serve as guidelines for preventing and managing pressure pain hypersensitivity of the upper trapezius in food service workers with nonspecific neck/shoulder myofascial pain.

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