
This research aimed to analyze the loyalty of consumers towards the various sports brands that are on the market in Colombia. Sports practice and fashion trends in the use of clothing have generated the acquisition and use of sports products; In that sense, these people who buy this type of product are recognized as sports consumers. The research describes the demographic profile and what are the favorite sports brands by consumers in the city of Bogotá. This study was quantitative with a correlational scope where it was important to find the aspects that influence the post-purchase behavior that leads to the loyalty of a sports brand; For this reason, a questionnaire was developed through questions with the Likert type scale. To measure variables such as satisfaction, brand value, trust, quality, and loyalty, a survey with a sample of 300 people was applied. The reliability of the measuring instrument was validated using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and the data collected were analyzed with multivariable statistics, and the statistical tests for the verification of the hypotheses raised were performed with the method of canonical correlation analysis that allowed to measure the relationship between the different variables. These correlations between the different dimensions were positive, and the results obtained ranged from 0.584 to 0.610, which meant that the hypotheses were supported, given that the values are above 0.3, and that represents the existence of links between the variables. Finally, the results and the analysis made allow sports brands to make decisions to strengthen loyalty with their consumers.

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