
We tested the role of the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), a benthic fish, in structuring the rocky littoral invertebrate community in Toolik Lake, Alaska. Comparisons of sculpin gut contents and prey community structure indicated that these fish forage selectively, eating proportionally more large and motile prey, and proportionally fewer small and sessile forms. Field experiments compared the effects of natural, reduced and elevated sculpin densities on benthic community structure. At natural levels of sculpin density, biomass of trichopteran larvae were reduced by more than 50%, and predatory chironomid larvae by 27%, in comparison to areas where sculpin were excluded. Tube-dwelling and small free living chironomid larvae were unaffected at normal sculpin densities. Under artificially high sculpin densities, there was some reduction of tube-dwelling chironomids, but the small free living ones remained unaffected. There appears to be a threshold length of about 3.5 mm, below which chironomid larvae are free form sculpin predation. Tube-dwelling chironomids may be longer than this threshold, but still avoid predation by having most of their body hidden in their tubes.

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