
Extension services are intended to promote “agricultural development” by enhancing farmers’ technical expertise, farm management abilities, and an efficient information system. This will ultimately lead to increased production, higher returns on investment, and a long-term boost for the local, national, and international economies. Little or no success information was recoded in terms of extension policies and language of communication used by extension workers in Nigerian context. Effectiveness of these policies and language of communication used in the implementation of extension services for crop farmers was not much available. To achieve this, there is need to study the factors influencing the achievement of extension services among crop farmers. Correlation and regression model were used to achieve the cause-effect analysis among the policies and language of communication in influencing crop farmers on the achievement of extension services in North-eastern Nigeria. The findings revealed that the relationship between policies and language was positive and highly significant (p<0.05) among the crop farmers on achievement of extension services. Language of communication recorded the strongest (r = 0.739) relationship. The cause-effect relationship between the variables further showed that policies and language of communication significantly (p<0.05) affected achievement of extension services among crop farmers. The regression model was significant with an R-value of 0.755. In this respect, the current study concludes that language of communication of extension workers influences the achievement of extension services delivered to crop farmers in North-eastern Nigeria.

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