
Two eye-tracking studies addressed the processing of grammatical and stereotypical gender cues in anaphor resolution in German. The authors investigated pronominal (er ‘he’/sie ‘she’) and noun phrase (dieser Mann ‘this man’/diese Frau ‘this woman’) anaphors in sentences containing stereotypical role nouns as antecedents (Example: Oft hatte der Elektriker gute Einfälle, regelmässig plante er/dieser Mann neue Projekte' Often had the electrician good ideas, regularly planned he/this man new projects'). Participants were native speakers of German (N=40 and N=24 in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). Results show that influences of grammatical gender occur in early stages of processing, whereas the influences of stereotypical gender appear only in later measures. Both effects, however, strongly depend on the type of anaphor. Furthermore, the results provide evidence for asymmetries in processing feminine and masculine grammatical gender and are discussed with reference to two-stage models of anaphor resolution.

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