
In the digital age, influencer marketing has gained popularity as a tactic for engaging and influencing consumers by making use of the strength of social media platforms. In the age of social media, this research paper explores the impact of influencer marketing methods on customer purchase behaviour. The study's objectives are to comprehend the effects of influencer marketing, investigate mediating mechanisms, and pinpoint critical elements that affect how consumers react to influencer campaigns. This research discovers major insights and consequences regarding influencer marketing through a thorough review of the literature. The effectiveness of influencer marketing initiatives is largely determined by aspects like trust, trustworthiness, authenticity, and customization. The assessment emphasises how crucial it is to establish sincere connections with influencers and take use of their authority to improve brand views and buy intentions. In the literature review, social media platforms are emphasised as important avenues for influencer marketing. It emphasises how important it is for marketers to comprehend the workings of various platforms and adjust their proaches accordingly. The assessment also clarifies the ethical issues surrounding influencer marketing, such as accountability and transparency. Although the review offers insightful information, it also admits its shortcomings, such as the use of existing literature and the possibility of bias in some research. To further investigate the efficacy of influencer marketing, future study should take into account doing primary studies and incorporating contemporary advancements.

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