
The purpose of this research particularly to acknowledge characteristic of product pyrolysis at conditions that give best yield of liquid smoke products maximum resulted during pyrolisis process biomassa tempurung kemiri . This Research conducted on a fixed batch reactor made of metal plate with a thickness 3.0 mm. It carries 200 kgs in capacity. In this phase, the moisture of candlenut shells might be kept in 10 – 12.5 % wt. Process temperatur divariasikan pada suhu 350 °C, 450 °C, dan 550 °C . serta variasi waktu pyrolisa pada 15 , 30, 45 until 435 menute. Identifikasi product by GCMS at optium condition untuk mengetahui komponen senyawa pyrolisa yang dihasilkan.The result of the risecrch adalah The best process condition of liquid smoke maximum during pyrolisis of candlenut shell by using pyrolisis methode at time 3,5 hourss and Temperature 450 C. From this research conclussion can be described as followes The best process condition of liquid smoke maximum during pyrolisis of candlenut shell by using pyrolisis methode at time 210 menute and Temperature 450 0C and identification of products by using GCMS (GC Mass Spectrometry) at optimum condition at temperature 450 °C. and time pyrolisis 210 menute is showed that liquid smoke candle nut. Results of GC-MS analysis on liquid smoke of the hazelnut shell of the pyrolysis process at 350 0C obtained 10 components consisting of 2 acidic components, 2 components of the ketone group and the Aldehid, 3 components of the phenols, and 1 component of the Benze Zero. At the temperature of pyrolysis 450 0C obtained. 7 components consisting of 1 acidic component, 3 components of ketone and aldehydes, 2 components of the phenols, and 1 component of the formaldehyde class and at Suhupirolisis 550 0C obtained 12 components consisting of 3 components of the group Acids, 5 components of the ketone and aldehyde, 2 components of the phenols, and 2 components of the benzenol. The temperature effect that provides the best compound composition with the lowest amount of compound composition is the 7 components with the highest phenol level at 450 0C. There is no content of Benzo @ pyrine compound in the composition of liquid smoke shell of candlenut.

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