
A 2-year field study conducted at Hisar during 1989-90 and 1990-91 indicated that fluroxypyr . was more effective against w~ld pea (Lathyrus aphaca L.) thanlambsquarter (Chenopodwm album L.), - whlle 2,4-D and isoproturon were more effective against lambsquarter than w$d pea. Tank mixture of flurorcypyr 0 20 kgha t lsoproturon 0 75 kgiha applled 30 days after sowing provided effectwe control olgrasses and broad-leaf weeds in wheat (Trrrrcum aeshvum L. emend Ploti & Pa01 ) and gave grain yleld at par to ihat obtained In weed-free check - -- Combinations of isoproturon and 2, 4-D 0.250, 0.375 and 0.500 kg/ha and .each as have been recommended for complex weed tank mixture with isoproturon at 0.750 kg/ flora In wheat (Tr~ticum aestivum L. emend. ha, isoproturon alone at 0.750 and 1.00 kg/ Fiori & Pa01 ) (Malik et a1 , 1989). The use ha conSrituted 13 herbicidal treatments of 2, 4-D is decreas~ng as it causes develop- These were compared with thc 2 mental deformities in many wheat varieties control-one completely unweeded and the (Bhagwatl, 1989). The combination of other kept weed free in randomized block isoproturon and fluroxypyr may increase the design with 3 replications. 2, 4-D sodium spectrum of weed kill without any adverse salt was used. All herbicides were applied at effect on wheat Hence present investigation 30 days after sowing (DAS) with a knap- . was carrled out to evaluate herbicide combi- sack sprayer using a volume of 650 litres nations against mixed population of grassy waterlha. Wheat cv. WH 283 and WH and broad-leaf weeds. 157 were sown on 15 and 17 November us- ing a seed rate of 100 kglha 1989 and 1990

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