
The current “storm” of lightweighting, a revolution in materials, processes, and business models, which is brewing on the horizon of the auto industry, inspires researchers and engineers to develop and apply new wrought magnesium alloys with improved properties. For wider applications in the automotive and aerospace industries, the enhancement of strength, thermal stability and formability of magnesium alloys is required. In recent years, Mg-Zn-Y series alloys have received a considerable attention from the research community due to their improved mechanical properties. The present study was aimed at evaluating the influence of Y addition to Mg-Zn-Mn system based on phase formation, mechanical response and texture development with special attention paid to recrystallization, hot characterization and relative activity. The dissertation evaluated the strain hardening and deformation behavior of as-extruded Mg-ZnMn (ZM31) magnesium alloy with varying Y contents via compression testing at room temperature, 200°C and 300°C. Alloy ZM31+0.3Y consisted I-phase (Mg3YZn6); alloy ZM31+3.2Y contained I-phase and W-phase (Mg3Y2Zn3); alloy ZM31+6Y had long-period stacking-ordered (LPSO) X-phase (Mg12YZn) and Mg24Y5 particles. With increasing Y content the basal texture became weakened significantly. While alloys ZM31+0.3Y and ZM31+3.2Y exhibited a skewed true stress-true stain curve with a three-stage strain hardening feature caused by the occurrence of {10 Ī 2} extension twinning, the true stress-true strain curve of alloy ZM31+6Y was normal due to the dislocation slip during compression. The evolution of flow stress, texture and microstructure during the compression tests has been studied under various conditions of temperature and strain rates. Optical metallography, EBSD techniques and X-ray diffraction were employed to study the microstructural development and texture evolution. The deformation activation energy was calculated and the processing maps were generated to determine the optimum hot working parameters. In addition, viscoplastic selfconsistent model was successfully used to predict the experimental textures. Lastly, the strengthening mechanisms in each Mg-Zn-Mn-Y material are established quantitatively for the first time to account for grain refinement, thermal mismatch, dislocation density, load bearing, and particle strengthening contributions. The present work laid the foundations for a better understanding the role of Y elements on deformation behavior in magnesium alloys.


  • 1.1 BackgroundThe concept of lightweighting unveils the use of advanced materials to explore weight reduction solution aiming to improve fuel efficiency while reducing climate-changing, costly and human death-causing* CO2 emissions [1–7]

  • Obara et al [67] verified that the second order pyramidal slip in crystals compressed along the c-axis gives direct evidence that slip systems other than basal slip can be activated under specific loading orientations and that critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for the high order systems is largely dependent on temperature

  • When the Y content increased to 3.2%, the volume fraction of uniform DRXed grains increased, containing both I-phase and W-phase

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The concept of lightweighting unveils the use of advanced materials to explore weight reduction solution aiming to improve fuel efficiency while reducing climate-changing, costly and human death-causing* CO2 emissions [1–7]. It is even referred to as the “storm” of lightweighting a revolution in materials, processes, and business models, which is brewing on the horizon of the auto industry [8,9]. It has been reported that the fuel efficiency of ground vehicles can be improved by 6~8% for each 10% reduction in weight [10]. As an ultra-lightweight material, magnesium alloys have a promising prospective of applications in the transportation industry, which is the reason why research and development of high performance magnesium alloys is an important objective [11–14]. In order to meet the pressing demand for improved fuel economy and reducing harmful CO2 emissions, the utilization of lightweight magnesium alloys must be intensified [1,7,15]

Objectives of the Research
Critical resolved shear stress (CRSS)
Strain hardening
Initial texture
Texture Modelling
Theory of Hot Deformation
Dynamic recrystallization (DRX)
Static recrystallization (SRX)
Improvement of Magnesium Alloys by Alloying with Rare Earth Elements
Recent Research on Mg-Zn-Y System Alloys
The role of Zn/Y ratio
Structural investigations by TEM
Tensile properties of Mg-Zn-Y alloys
Experimental Materials
Quantitative image analysis
Phase identification by X-ray diffraction
Texture measurement by X-ray diffraction
EBSD analysis
Uniaxial Compression Tests
Heat Treatment
Hardness Test
Initial Microstructure
Strain Hardening
Heat treated microstructure
Strain hardening after heat treatment
Hardness after heat treatment
Compressive Behavior at Elevated Temperatures
High Temperature Strain Hardening
Study of Static Recrystallization (e)
Initial EBSD texture
Texture evolution
Dynamic recrystallization (b)
Slip deformation
Visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) simulation
Active deformation modes
Summary In this
Flow behavior
Constitutive equation
Activation energy
Zener-Hollomon parameter lnZ
Processing maps
Microstructural evolution during hot deformation
Deformation of LPSO phase
Microstructural Characterization
X-ray Diffraction Studies
Mechanical Testing
Strengthening Mechanisms
Grain refinement strengthening
CTE strengthening
Dislocation strengthening
Load bearing strengthening
Particle strengthening
Linear summation
Quadrature summation
Compounding summation
Yield strength prediction
Relative Strengthening Contribution from Different Phases
Recommendations for Future Work
Full Text
Paper version not known

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