
Traditionally, the Nigerian women have been home makers. The role of women was confined only to domestic tasks and looking after the kids and elderly people. On the other hand, men would go out to work and played the role of wage earners of the family. But in the last two decades, with the help of improved education system and social awareness, along with increasing cost of living, women have shifted themselves from home to office. Working women play a key role in development of the society and also contribute to national economy, global economy and in lowering the rate of recession as well. The purpose of this study is to analyse the influence a working mother has on the overall development of the child, which includes the aspects such as physical growth, behavioural development, educational attainment, emotional development, mental growth, economic development, cognitive development, social development, etc. The study supports that working women instill confidence, social awareness and a sense of commitment among their children with multiple monetary benefits. Working women also act as role models for the society and their children. But on the other hand, their job patterns may have long-term consequences on their children's development, as working mothers have to reduce the duration of the time to be spent with their children, moreover mothers’ exposure to work-related stress negatively affects children's cognitive and behavioural development leading to jerks in their holistic growth. In contrast, a mother who takes time off from her job to spend it as quality time with her child, her job doesn’t affect her personal life. The findings will help policy makers to formulate policies that favour working mothers in such a way that it reflects in better care and development of their children

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