
One batch each of eight full-fat soybeans (FFSB) was used to determine the effect of different heat treatments including wet heating (WH) and autoclaving (AC) on chemical composition and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of CP and AA in growing pigs. The raw FFSB (K0) were either treated by WH at 80°C for 1 min (K1), at 100°C for 6 min (K2), or at 100°C for 16 min (K3). Thereafter, these batches were expanded at 125°C for 15 s. A further heat treatment included AC at 110°C for 15 (Z1), 30 (Z2), 45 (Z3), or 60 (Z4) min of FFSB that were subjected to the same WH treatment as K3. Diets were formulated to contain the respective FFSB as the sole source of CP and AA. A N-free diet was used to measure basal endogenous losses of CP and AA in an additional period at the end of the experiment. Eight ileally cannulated pigs (28 ± 1 kg) were allocated to a row-column design with 8 diets and 6 periods of 7 d each. An increase in the duration of WH had no effect on contents of AA (% of CP) and NDF, but NDIN contents linearly increased ( < 0.05) with increasing time for WH. Autoclaving resulted in a linear decrease ( < 0.05) of trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), contents of Arg, Leu, Ala, Asp, Cys, and Gly as well as Lys to CP ratio (Lys:CP), reactive Lys to CP ratio (rLys:CP), and in an increase ( < 0.05) in contents of NDF and NDIN. There was a quadratic response ( < 0.05) of SID of CP and AA as time for WH at 100°C increased from 0 (K0) to 6 (K2) up to 16 (K3) min. Moreover, a quadratic response ( < 0.05) to increasing time of AC was observed for SID of Arg, Phe, and Pro. The SID of CP and all indispensable AA showed a quadratic response ( < 0.05) to decreasing TIA, urease activity, protein solubility in 0.2% potassium hydroxide, protein dispersibility index, Lys:CP, (lightness), and to increasing NDIN and (redness). In addition, there was a linear increase ( < 0.05) in SID values with decreasing rLys:CP and increasing NDF contents. In conclusion, WH proved to be suitable for increasing SID values. Further improvement of SID of most AA could be achieved on additional AC treatment from Z1 to Z3, however, it needs to be considered, if the observed increase due to AC is cost effective in view of the additional production costs. Several chemical and physical parameters can be used in the feed industry for quality control purposes to predict the extent of heat damage on SID of CP and indispensable AA in FFSB.

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