
The influence of the type of dietary carbohydrate on growth, liver fat deposition and liver xanthine oxidase activity of rats fed low-protein diets has been studied. Dextrin supported better growth of rats than sucrose, whether the protein in the diet was supplied as casein, egg albumin or wheat gluten or whether a mixture of amino acids simulating casein was used. With low-casein diets cerelose supported growth which was intermediate, while with fructose growth was slightly below that obtained with sucrose. The liver fat deposition of rats fed low-casein diets or amino acid diets of similar composition was reduced when the sucrose in the diet was replaced by dextrin. This effect of dextrin on liver fat deposition could not be demonstrated when other proteins were fed. Xanthine oxidase activity was higher in the livers of rats fed low-casein diets in which sucrose was replaced by dextrin. The implications of the results have been discussed and it has been suggested that each of these observations can be explained as a result of improved utilization of dietary protein when the sucrose in low-protein diets is replaced by dextrin.

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