
AbstractIt is still debated whether radiative heating observed in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) is balanced primarily by cooling from convective overshoots, as in an entrainment layer, or by adiabatic cooling from large-scale eddy-driven upwelling. In this study, three-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulations of radiative-convective equilibrium were carried out with three different cloud microphysics schemes and 1-km horizontal resolution. We demonstrate that overshooting cooling in the TTL can be strongly modulated by upper-troposphere stratification. Two of the schemes produce a hard-landing scenario in which convective overshoots reach the TTL with frequent large vertical velocity leading to strong overshooting cooling (~ −0.2 K day-1). The third scheme produces a soft-landing scenario in which convective overshoots rarely reach the TTL with large vertical velocity and produce little overshooting cooling (~ −0.03 K day-1). The difference between the two scenarios is attributed to changes in the upper-troposphere stratification related to different atmospheric cloud radiative effects (ACRE). The microphysics scheme that produces the soft-landing scenario has much stronger ACRE in the upper troposphere leading to a ~3K warmer and more stable layer which acts as a buffer zone to slow down the convective updrafts. The stratification mechanism suggests the possibility for the ozone variation or eddy-driven upwelling in the TTL to modulate convective overshoots. We further test the sensitivity of overshooting cooling to changes in model resolution by increasing the horizontal resolution to 100 m. The corresponding change of overshooting cooling is much smaller compared with the difference between the hard-landing and soft-landing scenarios.

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