
The man’s day to day life physical activity takes an important role. The man becomes fit for physical activity by developing required skills, strength and endurance. Man should be more fit than what the daily necessities of his life required, so that he can meet the occasional emergencies that arise. These emergencies may include sudden need to increase great efficiency in his working hours to take care of some immediate situation. The situation may be very vital and upsetting. Whatever the emergency that thrusts itself on man, he has to carry on. Sports are a means of developing these emergency fitness. The high level of physical fitness necessitates the controlling mind when we speak. Gracefully poised and well-conditioned individual comes from years of daily experience in a selected variety of vigorous physical activities. Consistence of physical fitness forms sports and the precision and nicety of body control. Physical fitness forms sports and the precision and nicety of body control. Sports lead to mental poise an emotional stability that should stand the athlete in good stead in future critical situations. The purpose of this study find out the influence of uphill, downhill and sprint runs in treadmill on vo2 max and cardio respiratory endurance among long distance runners Randomly selected long distance runners (N=60) were divided into four groups consisting of 15 in each group. Experimental Group I underwent uphill treadmill walking and running exercises, experimental group II underwent downhill treadmill walking and running exercises and experimental group three underwent sprint running on treadmill, group four was control group which did not participated in any special training. The control group did not participate in any special exercises except of their routine. Pre-test scores were obtained using standard tests on VO2 max, and cardio respiratory endurance before the experimental period and the post-test scores were obtained immediately after the twelve weeks experimental period. The difference between the pre-test and post-test means were subjected to statistical treatment using ANCOVA, which was the effect of uphill, downhill and sprint running on treadmill. In all cases 0.05 level was fixed to test the hypothesis of the study.

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