
Abstract Past research has focused on the effects of sediment action on stream morphology and the habitat of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis. Throughout the Appalachian Mountains, the watersheds in which brook trout reside are being influenced by timber harvesting and related road construction. Although these streams may have gradients steep enough to prevent deleterious sediment deposition, elevated stream turbidity is nevertheless common. An understanding of the sublethal effects of increased sedimentation and turbidity is essential to further our knowledge of the effects of increased sediment loading on stream fish production and how these effects differ among species living in sympatry. The specific objectives of this study were to determine (1) the effects of turbidity on the reactive distance of brook trout, (2) how turbidity affects encounter rates between brook trout and their prey, and (3) how turbidity affects brook trout's foraging success. We used videographic techniques to study brook trout...

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