
A 2-yr study was conducted to measure the influence of transgenic corn, Zea mays L., expressing the CrylAb endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) by means of Event MON810 on natural populations of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and Diatraea grandiosella (Dyar). The studies were conducted at Leland and Morgan City, MS, in 1999 and at Morgan City in 2000. Although total numbers of H. zea larvae were not significantly different on transgenic corn hybrids compared with their near-isogenic parent lines, fewer large larvae were found on the transgenic hybrids. Differences in H. zea larval growth were noticeable when larvae fed on Bt corn vs non-Bt corn. The delay in larval growth for insects within a single generation, which could possibly result in asynchronous mating between insecticide resistant and susceptible insects, was observed for larvae feeding on plants expressing the Bt toxin. Diatraea grandiosella caused limited damage to the transgenic corn hybrids compared with their near-isogenic parent lines. Yields were not significantly greater for the Bt corn hybrids compared with their near-isogenic parent lines. Yields were not significantly greater for the Bt corn hybrids compared with the near-isogenic, non-Bt corn parents; however, there was a trend toward higher yields for Bt hybrids compared with their near-isogenic non-Bt parents.

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