
The main objective of the paper is the investigation of shear band localization conditions for finite elastic-plastic rate independent deformations of damaged solid body subjected to adiabatic process. For this kind of the process considered the thermal effects may play a dominating role. The objective of the paper is to focus attention on temperature dependent plastic behaviour of a body considered. Thermo-mechanical couplings are investigated and the method is developed which allows to apply the standard bifurcation procedure in examination of the shear band localization criteria when influence of thermo-mechanical couplings and thermal softening effects together with hardening and micro-damage effects are taken into consideration.Particular attention is focused on the coupling phenomena generated by the internal heat resulting from internal dissipation. A set of the coupled evalution equations for the Kirchhoff stress tensor and for temperature is considered. Assumption that thermo-dynamic process is adiabatic permits to eliminate the rate of temperature and to obtain the general evolution equation for the Kirchhoff stress tensor. The fundamental matrix in this evolution equation describes thermo-mechanical couplings. For the particular elastic properties of the material and for some simplified case of the coupling effects the criteria for shear band localization have been obtained in exact analytical form.KeywordsShear BandAdiabatic Shear BandAdiabatic ProcessKirchhoff Stress TensorShear Band LocalizationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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