
The effect of feeding damage by the twospotted spider mite ( Tetranychus urticae KOCH; Acari: Tetranychidae) on the gas exchange of grapevine leaves ( Vitis vinifera L.; cv. Pinot noir) was investigated. In addition, the influence of some pesticides was studied. A significant reduction of the net CO 2 assimilation, transpiration as well as stomatal and mesophyll conductance with increasing mite feeding damage were observed. At 6000 mite-days per leaf the 3rd and 9th main leaves (from the base) showed an average reduction in net CO 2 assimilation of 52.2 % and 48.4 %, respectively, while the 6th leaf showed a reduction of only 21.3 %. The response of grapevine photosynthesis to mite feeding seems to depend not only on mite density and duration of feeding, but also on the phenological stage of the plant. In fact, at veraison the vines showed increased tolerance to mite feeding compared with other phenological stages. At mite infestation levels of 6000 mite-days, leaves infested with T. urticae showed, as compared to uninjured leaves, an average reduction in transpiration rate of 14.4 % to 40.8 %, depending on the leaf position. The acaricides Tetradifon and Fenbutatin-oxide and the fungicide Folpet combined with Penconazol showed no effect on the gas exchange parameters.

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