
From the exact three-body distorted wave amplitude obtained by other authors for the one-charged-particle-transfer reaction A(x, y)B within the strict three-body (x = y + a and B = A + a, where a is a transferred particle) model, its part is separated in which the three-body Coulomb dynamics of the transfer mechanism is taken into account correctly. The contribution of the three-body Coulomb dynamics of the transfer mechanism to the partial wave amplitudes at l ≫ 1 for the peripheral proton-transfer reactions 13C(3He, d)14N, 13C(14N, 13C)14N, and 9Be(10B, 9Be)10B is estimated within the three-body approach combining the dispersion method and the DWBA approach. For these reactions, the Coulomb renormalization factors, arising owing to correctly taking into account the three-body Coulomb dynamics of the proton-transfer mechanism in the DWBA cross sections, are calculated. A new estimate is obtained for the values of the asymptotic normalization factors for p + 13C → 14N, which also have astrophysical interest.

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