
Phosphate catalysts of the general formula Al100PxM20, where M = Al, Cr, Fe and x= 0, 4.5, 9, 18, 36, 72 and 144, have been prepared by coprecipitation of the corresponding nitrate salts and phosphoric acid with ammonia at pH 9.5. The resulting solids, after characterization by surface area and XRD measurements, were checked for their total surface acidity (Bronsted and Lewis) by pyridine titration and also tested for their catalytic activity towards the isopropanol dehydration. It was found that for the Al100PxAl20 solids the surface density of the acid sites increases on addition of phosphorus in a fairly regular manner. Substitution of some Al by Cr or Fe blurrs the picture of increasing acidity described above. The catalytic activity for isopropyl alcohol dehydration, calculated as the number of molecules decomposed per acid site per second, shows a minimum at x= 18–36 for Al100PxAl20 and Al100PxFe20, while for Al100PxCr20 a continuous increment with x is observed. The activity minima of the first two sets of solids coincide with the total absence of crystallinity as detected by XRD measurements. On the contrary, the continuous increment of activity for the Cr-containing catalysts is related to the presence of crystalline α-Cr2O3. This behaviour is attributed to competition between the diffusional and chemical steps controlling the reaction's process. On the amorphous solids, where high values of activation energy and decreased activity are observed, the chemical reaction seems to be the slow and rate-determining step, while diffusion is fast because of the large porosity of the solids. The other samples show activation energies that are half those of the amorphous solids and larger activities. The controlling step in these cases seems to be diffusion, a fact related either to smaller pores or larger rate constants.

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