
This study aims to determine the effect of the South East Asia’s major stock exchanges on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2018. The main stock exchanges used as independent variables are ^KLCI (Malaysia), ^STI (Singapore), ^SET (Thailand), and ^PSEI (Phillipines). The dependent variable used is ^JKSE (Jakarta Stock Exchange, Indonesia). There are 478 data sets that can be processed, which have been synchronized. By using multiple regression analysis, the results obtained: ^KLCI has a negative and insignificant effect on ^JKSE, ^STI has a negative and insignificant effect on ^JKSE, ^SET has a positive and significant effect on ^JKSE, and ^KLCI, ^STI, ^SET, ^PSEI simultaneously has a significant effect on ^JKSE in the period 2017 to 2018.

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