
In this paper the influence of secondary emission on the characteristics of RF plasmas has been studied. An asymmetrical dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma reactor has been modeled with one dimensional PIC/MCC (Particle in Cell with Implemented Monte Carlo Collisions) code. The main feature of the modeling code represents the realistic model of the ion-induced secondary electron emission. Secondary emission of electrons is one of the important processes that effects the characteristics of rf plasmas. For modeling the secondary yield per ion, we have used equations proposed by Phelps and Petrovic (Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 8 (1999) R21-R44) for differently treated metal surfaces. In the model, the energy dependence of the yields per ion for differently treated metal surfaces has been implemented. Results are compared for yields for the so called ?dirty? and ?clean? surfaces, and the spatial profiles of charged particles and ion energy distributions were observed. The simulation results indicate that the plasma characteristics are greatly affected by the ion-induced secondary emission, changing the overall parameters of dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma reactors especially in applications as etching devices. Conclusion is that an exact model of the secondary electron emission should be included, as to ensure better agreement between simulation and experiment.


  • Dosadašnji rezultati nas mogu dovesti do zaključka da zbog razlike u gustini plazme i IEDF-a na unutrašnu elektrodu sekundarna emisija sa elektroda ima veliki uticaj na raspodelu energije jona na unutrašnu elektrodu, što je vrlo važan prametar kada se govori o primeni rf plazme u obradi materijala

  • The simulation results indicate that the plasma characteristics are greatly affected by the ion-induced secondary emission, changing the overall parameters of dualfrequency capacitively coupled plasma reactors especially in applications as etching devices

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U ovom radu proučavan je uticaj sekundarne emisije elektrona na karakteristike radio-frekventnih (rf) plazmi. U ovom radu, naročitu pažnju smo posvetili modelovanju procesa sekundarne emisije elektrona kod kapacitivno spregnutog reaktora cilindrične geometrije, korišćenjem jedno-dimenzionalnog PIC/MCC (eng. Particle in Cell with Implemented Monte Carlo Collisions) koda [9,10,11]. U skorije vreme, uticaj sekundarne emisije elektrona na karakteristike plazmi se ponovo nalazi u žiži interesovanja, pre svega zbog njihove uloge u fundamentalnim istraživanjima i zbog niza industrijskih aplikacija [12,13,14,15,16]. Karakteristike od posebnog interesa su koncentracija plazme, fluks i raspodela energije jona koji dospevaju do elektroda (eng. Ion Energy Distribution Function, IEDF), s obzirom da koeficijent sekundarne emisije elektrona zavisi od energije jona koji udaraju u neku od elektroda. Kapacitivnost kondenzatora je direktno povezana sa geometrijom reaktora i vrednost od 100 pF je usklađena sa brojem naelektrisanih čestica koji pune kondenzator, odnosno sa padom potencijala u prielektrodnoj oblasti

Sekundarna emisija elektrona sa elektroda
Opravdanost rezultata simulacije
Koncentracija plazme
Raspodela energije jona na elektrodama
Potencijal plazme
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